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Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me

Our school aged programs for kids 7-10 years old, are designed to create a curious learning environment that challenges students individually. Creative activities encourage problem solving, critical thinking while helping with skills such as numeracy, vocabulary,

and literacy in a relaxed, small classroom atmosphere.


Ages 7-10

Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me
Preschool Near Me

Weekly Classes

Classes meet once per week for an hour. Visit your favorite class or classes the same time each week. Explore our Science, Culinary, Arts, Robotics & Computer  classes today! 

homeschool tuesday

Our home school Tuesdays offer a fun way for home schoolers to explore their favorite subjects while getting additional take home resources, and meeting new friends.

Tues. AM - 9:00am - 11:15am

Tues. PM - 1:00pm - 3:00pm  

camps & workshops

When school's out, we're most likely still playing! Explore an array of story themed camps filled with tons of activities, learning, and fun in a small classroom environment.



Young scientists explore tons of different sciences such as biology, chemistry, geology, animal science & more. Throughout their studies students record their data through fun projects such as comics, movies, picture books & more!

Kids in a Science Lab


Enter the Play-botics Lab for an exciting class full of robotics, engineering, and science fun! Engineers 7-10 construct their very own robots while exploring  pulleys, gear combinations, hydraulics & more. Robotics come to life through drag and drop programming and sensors while solving fun programming puzzles.

Playbotics Learning

Our technology lab combines digital art projects, Microsoft programs and essential keyboarding skills for kids. Students explore power point, excel, computer animation and more through fun group and individual projects that are designed to actively build technology skills and knowledge. 

Child at Our Techno Lab

A combination of science and culinary arts, our PSK Culinary Lab is perfect for your aspiring chef! Chefs explore food from around the world, participate in cooking challenges, discover new recipes & more!   Chefs keep record of their recipes while creating their very own cookbooks, cooking videos & more!  

Culinry Lab

6913 Oak St.

Bonners Ferry, ID 83805



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